CPRE 3.0 Now Available

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The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) has released the latest version of the syllabus and examination questions for the Foundation Level of its Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering certification scheme.

As of today, 1stOctober 2020, CPRE-FL examinations in English and German can be taken according to the newly released syllabus, version 3.0.

The previous syllabus version, 2.2, will remain available in English and German for a period of six months. From 1stApril 2020, exams in English and German will only be available based on the new syllabus, version 3.0.

The new glossary to accompany the syllabus will also be aligned with the official glossary of the ISTQB, the International Software Qualifications Board. Certible welcomes this closer alignment between schemes as a clear benefit to professionals certified across disciplines.

The new syllabus and examinations will soon also be released in other languages. For each language there will be a grace period of six months, during which examinations can be taken according to either the previous or newly-released syllabus version.

To sign up for your exam, simply visit our Exam Registration Page, where you will find the choice between the two syllabus versions for English and German language exams.

Certible is currently offering remote-proctored exams IREB exams, meaning you can take CPRE exams at a convenient time and location, subject to the technical and spatial requirements being fulfilled. Find more information on remote exams by Certible on our Remote Exams Info Page.