New CPUX certification now available: Essentials in UX and HCD Management (CPUX-M)
The Usability and UX Qualification Board (UXQB) launched a new certification on 7th October 2022.
The curriculum is intended to be taught on a single day, and the examination has the same structure and regulations as for CPUX Foundation Level. In contrast to the CPUX Advanced Levels, CPUX-M does not require candidates to hold CPUX Foundation Level (CPUX-F) certification in order to participate in the certification.
The curriculum has been finalised and is available to download from the UXQB website. It is currently being translated into German, and the board is also in the process of creating the exam questions.
The UXQB has also published a set of public CPUX-M exam questions to aid in preparation and give an impression of the examination.
This curriculum focusses on the following subjects:
The challenges of HCD management
Business terms that every UX professional should know
UX and HCD management and leadership
Crafting and driving UX vision
Creating a shared HCD culture
HCD maturity
Boosting HCD maturity
Measuring the business value of HCD activities
Risk management
Ethical design and sustainable design
More information on the upcoming launch is available in the UXQB’s news article on the certification.