IREB CPRE-EL (Expert Level)

CPRE Expert Level – High Level Excellence in Requirements Engineering Knowledge and Experience

The expertise on this highest level of the CPRE program results from continuous involvement and activity in the field. These individual yet profound forms of expertise can neither be subsumed into a syllabus nor transferred by trainings. The CPRE Expert Level therefore has no syllabus or training courses. Candidates, however, need to fulfill the following prerequisites before applying for the exam.


  1. Hold at least two CPRE Advanced Level certificates. The term “Advanced Level“ refers to the CPRE Advanced Level (up to June 30, 2022) and the CPRE Advanced Level – Specialist – (after June 30, 2022). One can be substituted by other forms clearly related to RE such as university lectures, certain certificates linked to other education schemes (e.g. CBAP, BCS Diploma in Business Analysis, etc.), or substantial publications.

  2. Be active as a Requirements Engineer in various roles and projects amounting to at least three years of full-time equivalent.

The Exam

The exam regulations for the CPRE Expert Level define the examination process.
The examination consists of the following two parts:

Part 1: Written application
The written application has to demonstrate that the candidate fulfils the prerequisites. The applicant has to provide a detailed overview of his or her practical work in the field of Requirements Engineering. Please refer to the "Written Application" section in the examination regulations for guidance.

Part 2: Oral examination
The oral examination is a face-to-face meeting or a video conference at a dedicated place. It lasts 210 minutes and includes a preparation time of 2 hours, followed by three parts of approximately 30 minutes each:

  1. Case Study:
    The candidate has to present his/her suggestions and thoughts on a given case.

  2. Questions on Requirements Engineering in the context of the candidate’s projects.

  3. General questions on Requirements Engineering.

Exam registration

Candidates interested in taking the CPRE Expert Level exam, please visit the registration page to submit your application and proof of prerequisites (as one single .pdf file). For any related questions please contact us at We are happy to assist you from a smooth start to a successful finish.

For further details about the exam regulations, please take a look at our dedicated section for exam procedures.

Please note: the default language for the exam is English. Applicants may ask for other languages for the oral exam, on which decisions are made exclusively by the IREB. The written application, however, must be provided to us in English.