IREB CPRE RE@Agile Primer

Bridging the gap between Requirements Engineering and Agile Development starts with the RE@Agile Primer.

The RE@Agile Primer conveys the mutual benefits of requirements engineering and agile development. By taking the primer you learn about the beneficial implementation of RE methods and techniques in agile development, and how techniques from agile processes enhance RE practices.

The curriculum of the RE@Agile Primer is laid out for a 1-2 day training schedule, whereby self-study is possible too. Two options of taking an exam are offered, but only one includes a certification:

  • The proctored RE@Agile Primer exam consists of 22 multiple-choice questions with duration of 40 minutes.

  • In case that no certification is required, the IREB offers an online self-assessment, consisting of 16 questions within a 30 minute timeframe.

To take the online self-assessment, which is free of charge, you simply need to sign up at the IREB website here, and select it in the drop-down menu.

The exam regulations for the CPRE FL define the process of the exam including the assignment of points for evaluation of the final score.

  • The CPRE FL exam consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Candidates have 75 minutes to answer them.

Depending on the difficulty, each question yields 1 to 3 points. The achievable points are given in the header of the question. To pass the exam you have to score at least 70 percent of the points. During the exam it is not allowed to use aids, nor to take breaks outside the exam room.

The joint exam regulations of the CPRE FL and RE@Agile Primer can be found here: Download exam regulations CPRE FL & AP