Requirements Modeling Specialist - IREB CPRE Advanced Level (CPRE-AL)

Valid from 1st July 2022!

Correct use of graphical models to express functional requirements.

Target audience

The Advanced Level addresses the holders of the CPRE Foundation Level certificate, who want to deepen their knowledge of particular Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis activities. The FL certificate is a prerequisite for an AL certificate.

Skills acquired through a CPRE AL certificate

The holder of a CPRE AL certificate

  • is familiar with the specific terminology within the field covered by the Advanced Level module and the CPRE Glossary,

  • has mastered the specific techniques and methods of the partial discipline of Requirements Engineering covered by the Advanced Level module,

  • possesses sound knowledge within the partial discipline of Requirements Engineering covered by the Advanced Level module and has proven that in a practical examination.

Procedure of the CPRE Advanced Level Requirements Modeling Specialist exam

The prerequisite for participation in the CPRE Advanced Level - Requirements Modeling Specialist exam is possession of the CPRE Advanced Level - Requirements Modeling Practitioner certificate.

The CPRE Advanced Level specialist certifications are attained by completing a written assignment. Certible ensures the anonymity and neutrality in the assessment of written assignments, which are passed to IREB for assessment.

From 1st July 2022 the task definition for the written assignments is available to download on IREB’s website. Participants can complete the written assignment in their own time and submit their finished work to Certible whenever finished.

Self-study: Preparing for the CPRE Advanced Level Requirements Modeling exam

The most important resource for candidates looking to prepare for a CPRE Advanced Level certification is the syllabus of the corresponding module.

The IREB CPRE Glossary (applicable to all levels) provides an overview of terms used throughout the syllabus, examination and literature.

Further helpful artefacts provided by IREB are the handbooks for the CPRE Advanced Levels. These are valuable resources for trainers, trainees, and practitioners alike, who are interested in getting a detailed insight to the specific Advanced Level. Although each handbook offers substantive information, it is not a replacement for a dedicated training course.

Finally, IREB kindly provides a practice exam for each Advanced Level in the same form, structure, and style of the actual examination, including solutions and correction aids to further advance your preparation.

German speaking candidates preparing for a CPRE Advanced Level certification exam might also want to read Systematisches Requirements Engineering: Anforderungen ermitteln, dokumentieren, analysieren und verwalten by Christof Ebert.